Saturday, July 23, 2011

Jersey City Regional Poetry Slam Tonight 7/23, 8 pm

JC Slam vs. the best of the north east for all the bragging rights!
$5 entry
1 McWilliams Place, top floor

Monday, July 11, 2011

Embankment - Railroads

At its regular monthly meeting Monday, July 11, the Harsimus Cove Association teams up with the Embankment Preservation Coalition to sponsor a lively talk by rail marine historian Thomas Flagg. Using high-quality slides of old maps, photographs, and other illustrations, "From Farm and Marsh to Cityscape: The Railroads Transformed Jersey City" will examine the transportation mode that dominated much of the city over more than a century.

Many residents of Downtown Jersey City might find it difficult to imagine the waterfront of a hundred years ago, teeming with freight yards, a passenger terminal, and marine and warehouse activity. Yet our current neighborhoods - the historic districts of Hamilton Park, Harsimus Cove, Van Vorst Park, and Paulus Hook; the Village neighborhood; the new waterfront high-rise areas - were all shaped by the rail lines that drove through the area to get to the Hudson River and the metropolis
across the way.

Now Thomas Flagg, author of the two-volume New York Harbor Railroads in Color,
will help you visualize that world. He will tell you stories and illumine controversies of the Pennsylvania Railroad Harsimus Branch and other rail lines. At the conclusion of his talk, Flagg and other rail historians, including historic preservationist Allen Kratz, will answer questions.

HCA Monthly Meeting, 7:30-8pm
Grace Church Van Vorst
39 Erie Street, Jersey City [enter on 2nd Street]

Thomas Flagg's talk: 8-9pm
Free and Open to the Public

At 9 all are welcome to repair to a local watering hole for
refreshment and continued conversation. 


 The Hudson River Waterfront Conservancy (HRWC) announces the next Walk the Walkway guided walk on the Hudson River Waterfront Walkway.
Join Board members of HRWC, and enjoy a 3 mile walk along the Downtown Jersey City Waterfront.  Go to www.hudsonriverwaterfront.orgto register and for tour details!
The Hudson River Waterfront Conservancy

traffic delays

Beginning tomorrow, Tuesday, July 12, 2011 to Friday, July 15, 2011 please expect traffic delays between 7:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. in the following areas:
 - Washington from Pearl to Christopher Columbus Dr. will be reduced to two lanes
 - Washington from Second to Montgomery St. will be South bound only

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

July Newsletter

Hamilton Park Neighborhood Association Newsletter
July 2011 Issue


Do you often whether it is garbage or recyclable?  Or do you have others about trash, street sweeping, or recycling?  Come to our July 6th meeting at Cordero Middle School to share your concerns with your neighbors and to listen to Oren Dabney, CEO of Jersey City Incinerator Authority.

ParkFest Was a Huge Success
Although the weather did not help, your enthusiasm did.  We want to thank the vendors, the volunteers, the participants, and guests who have contributed to our flagship event of the year!  This event raised funds for our work, helped new neighbors have a better sense for our community, and was fun for adults and kids alike. And, during ParkFest, many new members joined the HPNA!

Street Name Change
HPNA received a proposal to designate Pavonia Avenue between Erie Street and Manila Street, by Cordero Community School after its Principal Strynar.  At our next meeting, we will discuss and vote whether the HPNA should support designating the stretch of Pavonia Ave to commemorate his work in education.  It is not an actual street renaming, but a designation, which is the installation of a sign above the Pavonia Street signs designating a stretch of the Avenue as Principal Strynar Avenue. 

Warm Welcome to Our New Board Members
At its least meeting, the board voted for Kerri Ann O’Shea of Eighth Street and Amogh Ranade of Seventh Street to join the board until January 2012. If you see them in the neighborhood, congratulate them!

Does Your Block Need a New Trash Can?
Unfortunately, everywhere we look trash is littering our streets, sidewalks, and the park. Installing new trash receptacle requires neighborhood support.  15 residents in the immediate area need to sign a petition to have a new trash receptacle installed on your street. If you and your neighbors believe that your street needs a new trash receptacle, HPNA has developed a simple petition to sign, which you can obtain by emailing  When the JCIA comes to the July 6th neighborhood meeting, providing the authority signed petitions would offer a great opportunity and help on the way!

Enos Jone Park Clean Up and Game of Skate –
July 9th from 12 to 3 pm  -- More detail to come

Bicycle Thefts Are On the Rise
With the summer, the number of bicycle thefts is on the rise.  This is unfortunate. If you own a bicycle (even a tricycle), make sure that you lock it, and record the following information that can help the police in case it gets stolen.  Take a photo of your bicycle, and note its serial number and its make and model.  All this information can help the police in following-up on bike thefts, assist in both recoveries and returns.

More Recycling in Hamilton Park
As there is no recycling in the park, it has become an increasing concern for many of our neighbors. HPNA is starting a committee to focus on installing a workable recycling system in the park.  As the first step, we invited the Oren Dabney, the CEO of the JCIA, to our July meeting, who will talk about residential recycling, trash collection, and the potential implementation of a recycling program in the Park. If the broader trash problems in the park concern you, come and attend this meeting. Or, you express interest in joining the committee by emailing

Look for the HPNA Business Tents at Local Businesses
The membership cards have been mailed to all new and old members.  Those businesses that support the HPNA and our community, now have their tent cards out!  Please visit these businesses that support your neighborhood!

If you are not a member, and would like to support our neighborhood, you can become a member by downloading the membership form from or by emailing The annual membership fee is only $10 per household, and you can always join HPNA for multiple years!

The John DeSalvo Playground Community Garden
    Downtown residents, Jenny Jobarteh, and Jan A. Nordland, attended the Adopt-A-Lot seminar at City Hall in Jersey City, and decided to plant a garden at Enos Jones Park, located in downtown Jersey City on Brunswick Street between Eighth Street and Pavonia Avenue.
   They and three other neighbors, Susan Raihofer, Beth Smith-Moncrief, and Amy Lin Rodriguez, signed a lease agreement with the City and Director Rodney Hadley, J. C. Public Works, chose the location for the community garden.  His staff tilled the site and also delivered the top soil.
   The group reached out to the community requesting donations so they could purchase plants and shrubs for the garden.
   The following people generously donated: The Hamilton Park Neighborhood Association, George and Cathy Mercado of Bouquets and Baskets, Jan A. Nordland and Joan Koehler, Beth Smith-Moncrief, Wyse and Amy Lin Rodriguez, Elna Mukaida, Councilman Steven Fulop, Committee man Leon Greene, and Committee woman Debbie Davis. 
   The first planting was on Sunday, June 19th and a neighbor Carmine Dellamonica also generously donated a truck load of blue stone for the garden foot path.  Director Hadley then arranged for a mulch delivery.
   This community effort and resulting garden is proof that it only takes a handful of neighbors to make a difference!
The group has its own Google Groups page with information on the garden and allows anyone to join  Alternatively, you can email, or call Jan at 201-403-7956.

Traffic Updates
Traffic in the neighborhood is a perennial problem, and we are closely listening to any changes to the often intense traffic on the various cross streets. The traffic light at 9th and Marion is under construction.  Recently, HPNA has requested a traffic study at intersection of Monmouth and 10th Streets with the intention of installing a stop sign there. Moreover, the pedestrian crosswalk signs at the intersection of Jersey Ave. and 6th Street are to be fixed.  Finally, the HPNA is finalizing a comprehensive spreadsheet listing all the crosswalks in the Hamilton Park neighborhood that need to be painted. This list will be then submitted to the City’s Traffic and Engineering division. 

Look around in the neighborhood
The Hamilton Park Watch Group is the "eyes and ears" for the JCPD in the park, and reports any suspicious or illegal activity immediately to the JCPD.  The group and its members are dedicated to helping make our park a safe place to visit for children, neighbors, and visitors. Please join us at:

News from the Greens Committee
The newly started Hamilton Park Greens Committee keeps the greens in the park clean and pretty.  It meets on Saturdays at 10 AM, weather permitting.  Come and pull weeds, meet your neighbor, and have some fun. Please email Jan at for more information.  They are off for the 4th weekend but will be back on the 9th!

News from the Cleanup Group
The Hamilton Park Cleanup Group is looking for more volunteers to keep the park trash free. Currently there are three evening shifts (7 PM) and two weekend shifts (9 AM) each week. If you can spare half an hour, once or twice per month, to keep the park clean, please contact Di Webber at for more information to join the group.

Every Wednesday – Farmers’ Market, 4 – 8 PM
July 2nd – No greens group
July 6thJuly’s HPNA Meeting: Trash, Trash, and Recycling  AT HP GAZEBO
July 9th – Enos Jones Clean up the Park and Game of Skate! 12 to 3 pm
No August meeting!

This newsletter is brought to you by

Hamilton Inn, Project Pilates and Hamilton Health and Fitness, and

BCG Advisors, Inc. – The Insurance Agency of HPNA