Hamilton Park Neighborhood Association
Est. 1977

HPNA Membership Form

Membership is open to all residents of the Hamilton Park area bounded by DivisionStreet to the west, Henderson Street to the east, Twelfth Street to the north, and SixthStreet to the south.

Membership Dues are $10 per household for each calendar year.
Cash and check are accepted.
Make checks payable to:
Hamilton Park Neighborhood Association or HPNA
There are three ways to join:
1. Dues are accepted at HPNA membership meetings held the first Wednesday of every    month (except August).
2. Mail payment and the completed Membership Form to:
Hamilton Park Neighborhood Assoc.
PMB #166
344 Grove Street
Jersey City, NJ. 07302
3.  Hand-deliver form & payment to 
Amy Ertel, Treasurer               Or        Walt’s Liquor Store
                        251  8th Street #1                                 corner 8th Street/Jersey Ave.
            Jersey City, NJ 07302
Questions?  e-mail hpnajc@gmail.com       tel:201-855-9038            Visit:  hpnajc.blogspot.com
Member Information    Date:__________Paid $______Chk/Cash(circle one)  rec’d by_____for years_____

Name: __________________________________________

Address: ________________________________________

Tel No: ____________________E-mail Address: _____________________

New Member / Renewal (circle one)

Names of adult (over 18 yrs of age) household members who will vote at meetings:
______________________________        ___________________________
__________________________       ________________________